Below are 2 pictures of what I did to get back into the mindset of doing videos again (after taking a long 2 month break). I went and brainstormed on glass what were the main points that I wanted to talk about. . .
For my update video. (I taped some white paper behind the glass, so that it was easier for you to see what I wrote.)
And then for my next upcoming 2 videos. Sorry, it's had to see. The photo isn't upright and the lighting was bad. I wrote it on the house's sliding door, next to the balcony. You can get a taste of what Arizona's landscape looks like in the background. They have PALM TREES! ;)

This is how it can feel to have a good friend. . . That when you need them, they're willing to help you out.

And then this is how it feels to have people that will watch more then just one of my videos. It makes me want to break out the (azn V, aka the) Victory sign.
It's fall for much of the country, but in Arizona it's still hot. So to stay cool, I fan myself with a (/ the ceiling) fan (and use the air conditioner).
Below is what the projected temperature was for the week will be. I took a screenshot from my Macbook's weather widget.