Below are pictures referencing an old 90s cartoon. A little nod from my youth, where instead of agreeing with it's main protagonist of wanting to "take over the world," I have the main goal of wanting to change it… for the better. I hope to be of use to this world. And my 1st step to getting there is to getting the Google job.
A megalomaniac with a GAINT head for it's relatively short body desires power for I don't know what, but I want to align myself with power players so that I can achieve my goals on a more shorter timespan.
With a better likelihood that I'll get a broader chance to influence, impact, and inspire a wide range of people. And to do that you need to be seen, on a large stage. Dream BIG! Big enough where the world can feel the impact of your dreams. And sometimes you need the help of powerful industries to achieve those said dreams.
"?... But, what are those dreams," you may ask?... That's what this year is all about, 1 step closer to having the ability to showing you what they are. . . . so stay tune.
Below is one of the many drafts I did in preparation to doing my Youtube video. (link is at the top, click on the pic for a larger view.) A rough outline of what I wanted to say and the pix I wanted to include, to better represent what I had to say.
At 1st I wanted to represent Mashi in an angry stance (like challenging the world), but thought against it, since I didn't want to start the year mad, so instead, I made Mashi look bored (seen in pix further down).
Below is the multiple sketches I did of Pinky to get the final product shown in the 2nd pic. Back story: I looked up pix on the internet and copied them on a paper, then transferring them to the final page.
Below is the back of the same sketch page, trying to get the right Mashi expression. And some Pinky expressions. I hodge podge together different Pinky pix that I copied off other pix I saw on the internet.
I gave Mashi a sort of bored, dead-eyed expression in the above pic because I wanted the transition to the below pic / expression, to be dynamic opposites. It creates a bigger impact, in tandem to the voiceover.
For the post-it notes, I used them to see which Mashies worked best when in animation form. I flipped the 2 pages trying to see if they would work as good key frames. (Knowhow of animation technique necessary to understand what I just said.)
I used iMovie 8 Cross Dissolve transition effect to finish off the animation.